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'It's two in the morning, fucking leave me alone.' Freya wanted to protest, but what came out was "It's two in the fucking leave me alone."  It had been hard for him to adjust to living with Aiden.  Sure, there were maids who cleaned, and people who cooked - but the clocks and all the ticking and chiming!  There was a rather large grandfather clock down the hall that woke him up every hour on the hour, and he had only learned to sleep through it now.  That, or he was too tired to wake up.  

Freya had changed rooms a few times, but he couldn't escape the clocks.  In one room he found there was a cuckoo clock whose infernal chirping woke him every half hour, as if the chiming from down the hall wasn't enough.  In another the ticking was so loud and unearthly, sleep was impossible.  And then there was Aiden, who couldn't understand why ticking and chiming and chirping would ever be a problem, and seemed offended that Freya didn't want to stay in the wonderful room he had carefully prepared for Freya.  

The feminine man had a nice file in his mind he had entitled 'Aiden Problems'.  This file was composed of 'I don't understand why everyone is afraid of my sisters - they only finish each others sentences, see the past and the future, and can only speak in monotone', 'Ugh, Kacey and Jacey are sitting too close to Allistair', 'I don't understand why people don't love my clocks', 'Is it acceptable to cut someones hand off for touching my clocks?'.  His silver haired oppresser had clocks on the brain, but it seemed tonight there was something else on his mind.  He was disheveled, as if he had been up for hours fixated on something.  His hair was a mess and he was only wearing one shoe.  'Fuck you asshole, I want to go back to bed.' mixed with 'Why do you only have one shoe?' in "Fuck, I want your shoe to go to bed."

And Aiden stopped for a moment, looking at Freya like he was the nutcase dragging someone across a large building at two in the morning.  He then looked down, perhaps realizing that yes, he only had one shoe.  "I must have left that under Marjorie."  He muttered to himself, before looking up at Freya with an urgency.  "You need to wake up, because I need to show you something."

"I need to sleep!"  Freya whined, and Aiden returned to pulling him towards their destination. Freya did take a moment to appreciate that yes, this could be more unpleasant than it already was.  He could be being dragged by Kacey and Jacey (one holding his arms, and the other his legs), or there could have been the 'Does this rag smell like chloroform to you?' question.  Whatever.  Aiden could drag him wherever, and then when it got down to it Freya would scream and freak out that he was 'not that kind of girl'. Freya resolved to wake up at least half the house with this, and then settled in to let Aiden continue pulling until they reached the master bedroom or wherever it was Aiden had in mind.

Freya had almost found piece in the situation when he found himself almost tumbling down a flight of stairs.  "What the fuck asshole!"  He was suddenly awake and with more rage than before.  "Way to tell me about the stairs!"

"We're almost there!"  Aiden responded, rather pleased with himself.  "Just a few more steps!"  The room below was dimly lit, and Freya was waiting for some Barry Manilow to start playing or Marvin Gaye to croon 'Let's get it on'.  Freya was not amused and he was not excited as Aiden pulled him to a work bench and sat him down.  'Ugh, sex in a workshop.  Gross.'  Freya decided, flipping his hair back and crossing his arms.  "

"So,"  Aiden began excitedly, bouncing like a small child and standing next to a large object covered by a large white blanket.  'It's probably a naked sculpture of him, done in alabaster.'  Freya decided.  "You said you didn't like the grandfather clock down the hall-"

"I hate it."  Freya interrupted.

"So, I made this for you."  And with a swift motion, Aiden ripped the white blanket off.  Standing under it was another grandfather clock with delicate rose gold detailing, and other decorations that Freya did not appreciate at two in the morning.  "This is Marjorie, and I'm really proud of her, and I hope you like-"

"Are you fucking kidding me?"  Freya interrupted again.  "You brought me down here at two in the morning to see a clock?!"

Aiden was quick to try and defend himself.  "I just finished her and-"

"Two in the morning to see a clock, and not your cock or anything?!"  Freya was livid.  

"C-cock?"  The other was confused, but he quickly lit up again, grabbing something from behind him.  "I made a cuckoo clock that has a rooster!"  He exclaimed, holding it up and offering it to Freya.

"Hell no!"  Freya's inner diva was free.  He slapped the clock out of Aiden's hands and it almost dropped to the floor - Aiden having been lucky enough to catch it.  "I'm going back to bed."  And with that, he turned and sashayed away, leaving Aiden in the dark stroking the cuckoo clock gently.

"It's okay."  He turned to Marjorie as the door slammed.  "He just,"  and he paused, "He just doesn't understand yet is all."

I saw an erotic story called 'Aiden's Desire', and I thought 'I want to write erotica - but Aiden.' I had to write this twice because tumblr ate it, so it lost whatever part of it was erotic at the beginning and it's just funny and maybe a little depressing. It's dare I say, 'Maddy Safe'.

I'd dedicate this the same way I would dedicate half the things I write 'To Amanda - sorry!', and I'm submitting this because I think I'm out of room in my stash.

To Amanda - sorry!

Aiden, Kacey and Jacey belong to =GingersaurusRex
Freya belongs to ~Hebisasori
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